Describes the what, when, why, and how of genre-fying our library. If you are unfamiliar with genrefication or are looking for a starting point, read this article.
Classroom or Library Book Genrefication Labels
Thinking about genrefying your library? Want to update your current genre labels? This set of genre labels is designed save you time and help make your genrefied library beautiful and easy to navigate.
Answers to Reader Questions About Genrefication
I’ve had lots of questions about genrefication from blog readers and other librarians! If the answer requires more than a short yes or no, I answer it here.
Genrefication Update: 2 Years Later
See how drastically our stats improved after we genre-fied the fiction section. WOW.
I’ve just completed genrefying my second library, this time in China. Read about how my projects differed, two ways to genrefy, and why I still don’t genrefy my Dewey sections.
What’s Your Genre Personality? Quiz
What’s Your Genre Personality? Quiz
Remember those magazine personality quizzes we took as teens? This PowerPoint or printable quiz is meant as a 45-minute library lesson. At the end of the quiz, students find out if they are Questioners, Escapists, Innovators, Realists, History Buffs, Thrill-Seekers, Comedians, Romantics, or –new for 2018-2019– Activists. Each personality type gets multiple genre recommendations just for them!
Genre Personality Profile: The Questioner
Questioners are curious, intelligent, and have excellent memories. Meet four of my favorite Questioners, how I have struggled with this personality type, and what I’ve done over the years to overcome these struggles.
Genre Personality Profile: The Escapist
Includes more detailed profile of Escapists and ways that parents, teachers, and school librarians can help them succeed in and out of school.
Genre Personality Profile: The Innovator.
Innovators are smart, creative, and resourceful. They excel in science, math, and technology, and when they find titles they love, they become completely absorbed in their books. This post includes profiles of three real-life Innovators and tips for parents and teachers of Innovators.
Genre Personality Profile: The Realist
Includes more detailed profile of Realists and ways that parents, teachers, and school librarians can help them succeed in and out of school.
Genre Personality Profile: The Thrill-Seeker
Thrill-Seekers love action and adrenaline! As an Escapist myself, I suspect many Escapists have Thrill-Seeker friends. In this profile, I discuss my lifelong friend Christy, a major Thrill-Seeker and one of the most fun, adventurous people I know. I also discuss why I suspect my Dad is also a Thrill-Seeker.
Genre Personality Profile: The History Buff
Discusses why parents, teachers, and caregivers are so important to helping History Buffs make sense of the atrocities they read about. Includes description of The History Buff, profiles of three of my favorite History Buffs, and four tips for adults who work with History Buffs.
Genre Personality Profile: The Comedian
Comedians are an interesting bunch. On the surface, the genre personality suggests an outgoing student who attracts attention by being funny. And that is true of some Comedians. But I think many Comedians worry about their reading abilities, and as a result, are often quiet, somewhat shy, and sensitive.
Genre Personality Profile: The Artist
Artists excel in creating and appreciating beautiful things. They may focus on any kind of art, or all kinds. Whether it’s painting, writing, drawing, photography, design, dance music, film, or something else entirely, artists use their many talents to make the world more beautiful and interesting.
Genre Personality Profile: The Sports Fan
The Sports Fan is exactly what it sounds like: these are the students who live and breathe sports!
To be honest, this is the Personality I understand the least. I score very low as a Sports Fan personality, even though I played basketball and softball in middle and high school. It’s not that I don’t like sports; it’s that I don’t love them in the way a Sports Fan does.
Genre Personality Profile: The Naturalist
The Naturalist is someone who is interested in nature, the environment, animal rights, and sustainability. Naturalists love being outdoors and get positive energy from sunlight, trees, and natural bodies of water.
Genre Personality Profile: The Erudite
Erudites are a really interesting bunch! First and foremost, Erudites are smart. They tend to be quirky and have niche interests, which may make social interactions challenging for Erudites. If you need someone who is full of random facts, call your friendly neighborhood Erudite!
Genrefication Debate
Genrefication Debate: Dewey has worked for 150 years. Why change it now?
This post is the first in a series of seven posts debating the merits of genrefication. Here, I encourage librarians to keep Dewey in place when genrefying fiction books.
Genrefication Objection #4: Genrefication is just the latest fad.
Genrefication Objection #5: Genrefication is inconsistent and nonstandard.
Genrefication Tools
What’s Your Genre Personality? Quiz
Remember those magazine personality quizzes we took as teens? This PowerPoint or printable quiz is meant as a 45-minute library lesson. At the end of the quiz, students find out if they are Questioners, Escapists, Innovators, Realists, History Buffs, Thrill-Seekers, Comedians, Romantics, or –new for 2018-2019– Activists. Each personality type gets multiple genre recommendations just for them!
Classroom or Library Book Genrefication Labels
Thinking about genrefying your library? Want to update your current genre labels? This set of genre labels is designed save you time and help make your genrefied library beautiful and easy to navigate.
Inexpensive Genre Shelf Labels
I purchased these vinyl magazine files to use as shelf signs.
Genre Christmas Trees
I do a new genre tree every year in December. The 2013 Genre tree represents our High Fantasy section.
Chick Lit and Realistic Genre Trees
Overview of the first two genre trees in our library and how we did them. Includes lots of photos and cost breakdown.