Prepositions | Distance Learning | Google Classroom


This 34-slide Google™ Classroom presentation teaches students about prepositions, prepositional phrases, objects of the preposition, and differentiating between prepositions and conjunctions. Some slides are interactive for distance learning.
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Prior knowledge needed:

  • Students should be able to define dependent clauses and nouns
  • Students do not need to have any prior knowledge about prepositions


  • link to Google™ Slides presentation (34 slides)
  • basic Google™ Classroom instructions (3 PDF pages)

By the end of this lesson, your students will be able to:

  • sing “The Preposition Song”
  • give examples of common prepositions
  • identify prepositional phrases in a sentence
  • write sentences that contain prepositional phrases
  • identify the object of the preposition
  • differentiate between prepositional phrases and dependent clauses

Some slides are interactive:

  • Change the font color activity: Change preposition to red and object of the preposition to blue. (1 slide)
  • Write three sentences that contain prepositional phrases. (2 slides–students describe two photos in the sentences and write directly on the slides)
  • Determine if the underlined portion of the sentences is a prepositional phrase or a dependent clause. (5 slides–students click on their answer to get immediate feedback)

Needed to use this activity:

  • teacher Google™ Classroom account
  • student Google™ Classroom accounts
  • internet connection


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